Agence Marketing Digital Casablanca - Marrakech - Rabat - Tanger - Agadir

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Digital Marketing Agency Casablanca


Digital Communication Agency Casablanca

Manzana is a communication, branding & digital marketing agency based in Casablanca, Marrakech, Rabat and Tangier. Created in 2020, the agency has a young and dynamic team, orchestrated by the know-how and finesse of a duo of experts who offer you optimal digital marketing solutions combining quality, creativity and mastery of the latest technologies. 

From the design to the implementation of your projects, the team of our digital communication agency in Casablanca and Marrakech listens to you for an in-depth knowledge of your needs in order to give meaning and imagination to the communication strategies that we propose to you. If originality and professionalism are your main assets, you will be able to sort through the different offers available on the market.

We provide answers adapted to your challenges thanks to a global approach, which includes all the levers aimed at achieving your objectives of communication strategy, branding and digital marketing, notoriety or brand image. All possible areas of communication action are considered simultaneously, concertedly and coherently.

Consulting and Digital Strategy

Leader in digital marketing strategy in Morocco, Manzana brings you valuable advice to optimize your online visibility and notoriety.

Branding & Graphic Design

From the creation of the logo, to the graphic charters, our Branding & graphic design agency in Casablanca supports you in all your needs. 

Website & SPA's Creation

Website creation agency in casablanca and Marrakech ensures your online presence by creating a website that reflect⁣ your brand image.

Search Engine Optimization SEO

Our Casablanca SEO agency helps you increase your visibility on search engines by optimizing your site to meet all SEO requirements.

Search Engine Advertising - Google Ads

Our SEA agency in Morocco supports you in the activation and implementation of your Google Ads paid search strategy and thus appear in a privileged position on keywords related to your activity. Call on our specialists & Traffic manager for a detailed media plan & action plan.

Community Management

Call on our agency specialized in Community Management in Casablanca and Morocco in order to retain your community, increase your visibility and develop your image in the best possible way in order to make your pages in social networks a real lever for growth.

Facebook & LinkedIn Ads

Manzana, the Facebook and LinkedIn Ads agency in Casablanca that manages your advertising campaigns from A to Z! Advertising on Facebook and LinkedIn allows you to achieve different objectives: driving traffic to your site, increasing your sales and generating qualified leads.

Emailing & Automation advises and supports you in the execution and analysis of emailing campaigns in Casablanca and Marrakech. E-mailing allows you to send a message adapted to the target you want to reach by setting up very targeted and personalized communication actions.

Education & Training, Our Digital Multi-disciplinary training center in Casablanca and Marrakech, supports you by offering qualified and tailor-made training for you and your teams. Learn how to finally manage your digital communication like pros.

Digital Marketing Agency Morocco

Improve the management of your customers with our CRM solution

Track your performance in real time and compare it to your monthly goals. Organize your work based on your next planned actions.

Collaboration Tools

Easy to use 24/7

Contact & Support

We are constantly reachable for our customers.


Our process


Meeting and Acquaintance

We define the scope of our intervention in terms of needs, objectives, methods used, schedule and intervention costs.


Audit, Analysis and Monitoring

We carry out an in-depth diagnosis of the existing situation, identify the dysfunctions but also the opportunities, the axes of development. 


Collaboration and exchanges

We intervene in compliance with the operating methods of your company and ensure strict compliance with your specifications. 


Delivery and Presentation

At the end of the service, the deliverables are given to you in electronic and/or paper version according to the proposed implementation conditions.

Digital Marketing Agency Casablanca & Marrakech


You have a Digital Marketing project in Marrakech and you would like to call on a competent, motivated and efficient team ? We support you on several types of projects: SEO, Google Ads Paid Search, advertising on social networks, website creation…

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Digital Marketing Agency Casablanca

Let's explore your project.

Agence Marketing Digital Casablanca, Agadir, Marrakech, Rabat et Tanger

Manzana, votre agence de référence en communication digital au Maroc accompagne de nombreuses marques dans leurs prise de parole sur le marché.

Agence Marketing Digital Casablanca

Agence Marketing Digital Marrakech

Agence Marketing Digital Rabat

Agence Marketing Digital Tanger

Agence Référencement Naturel SEO Casablanca

Agence Référencement Naturel SEO Marrakech

Agence Référencement Naturel SEO Rabat

Agence Référencement Naturel SEO tanger

Agence de Création de Site Web marrakech

Agence de Création de Site Web Rabat

Agence de Création de Site Web Tanger

Agence de Communication Casablanca

Agence de Communication Marrakech

Agence de Branding Casablanca

Agence Emailing et Automation Casablanca

Agence Emailing et Automation Marrakech

Agence Emailing et Automation Rabat

Agence Emailing et Automation Tanger

Agence Référencement Payant SEA Casablanca

Agence Référencement Payant SEA Marrakech

Agence Référencement Payant SEA Rabat

Agence Référencement Payant SEA Tanger

Agence de Branding et Design Graphique Marrakech

Agence de Branding et Design Graphique Rabat

Agence de Branding et Design Graphique Tanger

Agence de Community Management Casablanca

Agence de Community Management Marrakech

Agence de Community Management Rabat

Agence de Community Management Tanger

Agence Facebook Ads Casablanca

Agence Facebook Ads Marrakech

Agence Facebook Ads Rabat

Agence Facebook Ads Tanger

Agence Conseil et Stratégie Digital Casablanca

Agence Conseil et Stratégie Digital Marrakech

Agence Conseil et Stratégie Digital Rabat

Agence Conseil et Stratégie Digital Tanger

Agence TikTok Ads Marrakech

Agence TikTok Ads Rabat

Agence TikTok Ads Tanger

Agence Google Ads Casablanca

Agence Google Ads Marrakech

Agence Google Ads Rabat

Agence Google Ads Tanger

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